Platinum Jubilee Celebrations, June 2022

On Thursday the second of June, Bringsty Common celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with a party and the lighting of a beacon on top of the Jubilee Hill.

The party was a great success, due to the amazing work from all the volunteers on the day and all planning committee who put in so much work.

Worcester Ukulele Club leading the crown in a range of singalong songs from the last 70 years.
The Bringsty-n-Buy sale raising money for Ukrainian support charities. And the raffle supported by local businesses on the Common.
The dog competitions were so popular that registration needed to be stopped. Sorry if you didn’t get to register, and well done all winners.
“Pet’s Corner” had a wonderful selection of animals to keep the kids entertained, including new born baby ducklings.
Evening entertainment started at the local pub, the Live and Let Live, with a hand bells performance and a parade up to the beacon.
The Worcester Ukulele Club also played hit songs in the pub to keep spirits high.
There was a great community turn out on the Jubilee hill for the lighting of the beacon, where we could see more than 10 other beacons lit across the surrounding countryside.
The beacon and celebration ran late into the night.