Caring for the Common

BCMC’s mission statement for the common is: Bringsty Common will remain a place where residents and visitors alike can safely enjoy the physical and mental well-being from visiting or living in a peaceful and beautiful landscape.  We will enhance the sense of community, honour our heritage, increase the bio-diversity of the Common and contribute to … Read more

BCMC Chair’s Report 2023

One of our main achievements this year has been obtaining funding from Herefordshire Council for the biodiversity plan for the common for the next 3 to 5 years. The plan and our progress to-date is outlined below. Track cutting To be done twice a year. Cut wide with the additional width alternating from one side … Read more

Tree planting on the common

The conservation group have been hard at work planting trees… North side of Jubilee:13 Malus sylvestris Crab apple15 Sorbus aucuparia Mountain ash10 Sorbus torminalis Wild service tree5 Crataegus monogyna Hawthorn Area below Malvern View:10 Malus sylvestris10 Sorbus aucuparia10 sorbus torminalis5 Crataegusmonogyna

Wild Flowers and Biodiversity on the Common

NOTICED MORE WILD FLOWERS AND BIODIVERSITY ON THE COMMON THIS YEAR? Behind the scene loads of planting has been going on by volunteers. PM me here if you want to help . A summary of recent planting is below and lot of thanks to Mike Davis, Ruth Lyon and Andrea Chapman for their hard work. … Read more

Fire Safety Reminder

Thank you to all users of the Common for thinking of fire safety. The weather has cooled a little now since the extreme heatwave, but still tinder dry underfoot. Please remember that fires and bonfires are not permitted on the common. A reminder below of the 2021 grass cuttings fire on the common.

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations, June 2022

On Thursday the second of June, Bringsty Common celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with a party and the lighting of a beacon on top of the Jubilee Hill. The party was a great success, due to the amazing work from all the volunteers on the day and all planning committee who put in so much … Read more

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Roll Up Roll Up Roll Up Your Common needs you! Thursday June 2nd 2pm to 5pm  Party on the Football Field Bouncy Castle, stalls, crafts, games, pets’ corner, live music, dog show, face painting, refreshments and more followed by  a musically accompanied procession from the Pub at 9.15pm up to the Jubilee for the beacon … Read more

Bringsty Common Manorial Court Chair’s Report

Cathy Fuller – Bringsty Common Manorial Court Chair “Bringsty Common remains a place where residents and visitors alike can safely enjoy the physical and mental well-being from visiting or living in a peaceful and beautiful landscape.  We will enhance the sense of community, honour our heritage, increase the bio-diversity of the Common and contribute to CO2 reduction.” … Read more